Experience the raw and powerful storytelling of ‘The Labyrinth,’ a gripping short film that delves deep into the challenges and opportunities of human rights in Bangladesh. Directed by Ananta Yusuf, this film follows the lives of four individuals as they confront various forms of discrimination, violence, and injustice in their daily existence. ‘The Labyrinth’ not only sheds light on the harsh realities of social stigma, exploitation, and violence against women across the nation but also highlights the dedicated efforts of UNDP and its partners to promote human rights and social justice in Bangladesh. What makes this film truly unique is its cast, drawn from the very tea garden workers who endure these struggles, offering an authentic and poignant portrayal of their lives. ‘The Labyrinth’ is a powerful cinematic journey, a testament to resilience, and a call for change.
Joyeeta Mahalanobish
Production Details:
Film Editor: Arif Sonnet
Direction: Ananta Yusuf
Music: Shibu Kumer Shill
Duration: 10 Minute 51 Sec
Shooting location: Lawachara National Park – Moulvibazar
Client: Human Rights Program, UNDP
Production: University of Dhaka